Now that the weather is warming up and the sun is shining longer, it's time to focus on physical activity.
- Strive for 150 minutes of moderate exercise each week
- Aim for 10,000 steps/day
- Add exercise to your daily routine by having a set time for it (write it down in your planner/schedule)
- Find multiple activities that you enjoy doing. Ex: walking (outside or at the mall)
- Wear comfortable walking or jogging sneaker and clothes
- Stay hydrated! Drink water, before, during and after exercise
- Keep it fun!
- Listen to music or plan to meet a friend
- Join a sports league
- Play tag w/ your children
- Hold yourself accountable – create goals and have rewards system in place (non-food)
- Remember SOMETHING is better than nothing; so every little bit of exercise helps
- Boosts energy
- Can relieve tension, anxiety, depression & anger
- Improves mental acuity, memory and mood
- ↑HDL (good cholesterol)
- ↓ Triglycerides
- Prevents/manages high blood pressure
- May prevent/delay type 2 diabetes, osteoporosis, & certain cancers
- Improves flexibility and coordination
- Improves back pain
- Increases breathing efficiency
- Improves circulation