Are you experiencing symptoms of low blood sugar- feeling shaky, sweaty, fast heart rate, dizziness? Getting back to basics with nutrition will help to avoid this. See the tips below to feel your best.

Blood Sugar Control Tips After Bariatric Surgery

Tips to help with keeping your blood sugar in normal range:

  • Eat regularly spaced meals and snacks throughout the day.
  • Keep protein first, produce second and high-fiber carbohydrates third with every meal and snack.
  • Keep hydrated - drink at least 64 ounces water daily.
  • Read labels and avoid foods with saturated fat greater than 5 grams and with more than 5 grams added sugars which can lead to Dumping Syndrome. You can experience late dumping syndrome 1-3 hours after a meal or snack that is high in sugar. Your body releases large amounts of insulin to absorb sugars which have rapidly entered your small intestine from your stomach. This results in low blood sugar.
  • Eat a healthy snack with lean protein and healthy carbohydrate after exercising to replenish carbohydrate stores and help build muscle. Try a protein smoothie with Greek yogurt and fruit.
  • Plan ahead and prep high protein snacks to keep on hand:
    • 1-2 ounces deli turkey or chicken with 4-6 triscuits 
    • 1 piece string cheese and ½ cup grapes
    • 1 carton low-sugar Greek yogurt and ½ cup berries
    • 1 apple with 1 tbsp peanut butter
    • Raw vegetables with 2 tbsp. Hummus
    • Hard boiled egg with raw vegetables
    • 4 graham cracker squares with 1 tbsp peanut butter
    • ½ cup low-fat cottage cheese with ½ cup fruit
