
Feeling tired and sore from sitting at your desk all day? Try these tips to move more and actually feel more energized and productive.

  1. Set a timer to get up and stretch for 5 - 10 minutes every 1-2 hours.
  2. Keep an exercise band at your desk to pull out during the work day and get in some easy arm or leg exercises.
  3. Take a short walk around your building/house for a break or plan a walk during your lunch break. Coordinate with an office mate/friend or family member for more accountability.
  4. Stand at your desk instead of sitting for 10-15 minutes at a time.
  5. If you have access to a watch that has an exercise tracker- try to close a ring for standing each day or set goals to  increase your steps each week.
  6. Do some deep breathing exercises for 5 minutes.
  7. Do 5-10 minutes of chair exercises with your arms and legs. 
  8. Look into purchasing a floor pedal or under desk elliptical to use throughout the day.
  9. Start an exercise challenge in your office or sign up for a group activity, like a 5k and do a little exercise each day to prepare for the event.
  10. Create a calendar and assign a fun activity for each day on the calendar- can be as small as dancing while you are folding laundry.