
Important things to remember to keep your exercise routine going in the colder months:

  • Layer clothes with airwicking fabric, then fleece and a thin layer of waterproof fabric last.
  • Stay hydrated.
  • Exercise more often for shorter amounts of time outside if temperatures are more extreme.
  • Consider inside exercises:
  • Active housework, like sweeping, mopping and vacuuming
  • Dancing
  • Stair climbing
  • Indoor walking routines
  • Home gym or workout circuit
  • Bowling
  • Roller skating
  • Walking at local community center or mall.
  • Exercise classes at local libraries, gym or other specialized studios.
  • Active video games which require standing on your feet and jumping or dancing or using your arms
  • Enlist a workout partner to increase accountability with staying on track with exercise.
  • Write it in your schedule.
  • Reward yourself with a hot bubble bath, massage or just listening to your favorite music by a fire after you exercise.

You will notice the benefits of exercise once you get in a regular routine of exercising and you will be glad you put in the hard work. Remember, change is not easy but it's worth it!